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Pipe Welding (FF)

ID : 30162    Section Number : 61FF
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Pipe and pipeline welders work at construction sites, oil and gas fields, fabrication shops, water industries and nuclear power stations. Primary emphasis is on advancing skills in shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), also known as stick welding.Topics include use of 6010 and 7018 electrodes, full penetration welds in the vertical (2G), horizontal fixed (5G) and inclined (6G) positions, as well as prepping and fitting techniques. Testing will take place in the included (6G) position. Upon completion, students are eligible to attempt the QC7-93 qualification for pipe welding offered by the American Welding Society (AWS).

Prerequisite: Minimum of two years of experience in stick welding AND have a vertical up (3G) qualification or able to pass a vertical up (3G) qualification prior to enrollment.

Contact Hours: 100
Call 434-961-6581 to register Send to Friend »

Class Details

13 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Sat.  
  Weekly - Sat.  

Location : Multiple Location : 
  PVCC Main Bldg.
  Welding Truck.

Instructor : Scott Ishler 

CEUs : 10



Please read:  FIrst 2 classes held in room 828 in the main building. Please park in lots 3 or 4 if you do not have a parking decal. If you would like to receive a parking decal please report to the security office in the main building. Coincides with Basic Welder



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
5/17/2025 - 5/24/2025 Weekly - Sat 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Charlottesvle, PVCC Main Bldg.  Map, Room: M831 Scott Ishler 
5/31/2025 - 8/9/2025 Weekly - Sat 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Charlottesvle, Welding Truck  Map Scott Ishler